
cyber securityThe corporate hacking attacks continue to haunt the businesses across the globe. In the recent years, the data breaches at the companies like Target, eBay, and Sony have led to the theft of personal identity, credit card and security information of hundreds of millions of compromised accounts.

However, that is the tip of the creepy iceberg as hacking attacks at the little or less known companies do not get news coverage.

The small and mid-sized companies frequently fall prey to the corporate hacking attacks because of inadequate cyber security measures.

Here are the six tips by following which you can help your employees tackle the hacking threat more effectively and ensure the safety of your company’s data.

Require Use of Strong Passwords: 

Most of the cyber attacks begin with a compromised password. So make your passwords strong before it is too late. It would be better to require your employees to use passwords that comprise both upper and lower case alphabets, numeric letters as well as the symbols.


But make sure that besides being strong, the passwords your employees use are also easy to recall, You can suggest them to use some numbers or symbols in place of letters for example “C@1iforni@” instead of “California.”

Also, ask your employees to not use the same password for every site and change it after every four to eight weeks.

Make Sure that Mobile Devices are PIN/Password Protected:

These days, most of the employees conduct company’s businesses using their own smartphones or tablets. Many of them access company or client’s data without adding a password or PIN to their devices which could put the sensitive information at risk. So, ask your employees using their devices for business purposes to use a strong password to keep the data safe.

Help Employees Foil the Phisers:

Many cyber thieves make phone calls or send emails to company’s employees posing as bankers or customer account officials in a bid to get the sensitive login information. So, inform the employees that giving account information through phone or emails may be risky.

Ask Employees to Watch out for Malware:

The cyber criminals lure employees to download or install malware on their computers, laptops or mobile devices and use it to access company’s sensitive information. So strictly prohibit the downloading of any unauthorized software without the permission from the administrator.

Make Sure That All Unattended Devices are Logged-Off:

Most often, the employees do not shut down the browser while leaving their laptops or desktops for some time. However, it is extremely dangerous practice as someone can collect login details and copy passwords from an open browser in a few moments. So make sure that every employee knows that it is very important to close the browser and lock computer’s screen when they are going away.

 Arrange Cyber Safety Classes:

Hold regular cyber security classes for the employees to make sure that they know how to keep company’s information under locks. Also, provide them with a manual that spells out company’s cyber security policies.


