Home Applications 2019 Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR): The New Threat Landscape

2019 Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR): The New Threat Landscape


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Nick Savvides, Chief Technology Officer, APAC, Symantec As ransomware shows early signs of decline, new forms of attack emerge to take its place. Stealthy techniques allow attackers to fly under the radar, placing enterprises at increasing risk.

Join us as we discuss these trends and more:

• Formjacking was the breakthrough threat of 2018, as cryptojacking and ransomware show signs of decline. However enterprises continue to face the problem of targeted ransomware.

• Living off the land and supply chain attacks are now a staple of the new threat landscape.

• Cloud users facing challenges on multiple fronts through data leaks from cloud storage and low-level chip vulnerabilities.

• Targeted attack groups show increasing interest in operational targets; greater number of groups adopting destructive malware.


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