FBI, Microsoft launched assault on global cyber crime ring

Microsoft FBI

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Microsoft Corp have launched a major assault on one of the world's biggest Global cyber crime rings, which they believe was involved in stealing over $500m from bank accounts during past eighteen months. The authorities of about 80 countries, including Australia, Germany, Brazil, Ecuador, Hong Kong, Holland, Spain, Iceland, Indonesia, India, and UK...

How Cyber Criminals operate

Cyber Crime Watch

Cyber Crime might have been begun as an attempt at gaining egotistical rights and infamy through high-profile website attacks and viruses, but now it has turned out to be a profession. Today the threats are targeted, detached, and the only purpose behind launching a cyber attack is to make money. The cyber criminals steal your money and information from the...

What is Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attack and how to prevent it

Crass site scripting hacks

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is the most prevalent website attacks today but many webmasters overlooks it. The attack causes distributed denial-of-service and SQL injections attacks.  According to a latest study report, about 75% of United States’ government websites are found to be susceptible to XSS attack. XSS attacks hunt their victims by using the connection user and website he/she is accessing....

Six Hackers in the United States and Abroad Charged for Crimes

FBI CyberMen

Six Hackers in the United States and Abroad Charged for Crimes Affecting Over One Million Victims. Four Principal Members of “Anonymous” and “LulzSec” Charged with Computer Hacking and Fifth Member Pleads Guilty; “AntiSec” Member also Charged with Stealing Confidential Information from Approximately 860,000 Clients and Subscribers of Stratfor. Cyber crime cases by FBI. U.S. Attorney’s Office March 06, 2012 , Southern...

WordPress and Security Attack


Learn How to Secure your WordPress Blog or Website, Protect your site from Cyber crimes and Attacks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_iEGYPZEtE

Best Guide and list of Security Certifications

Security Certifications

Certifications in IT Industry are very much important to get your career on the top and grow. There are many Computer certifications but computer security certification is a new trend in the certification industry and has gained much importance lately especially after the 9/11 bombing. Security certifications have a unique distinction; it is a certification that anyone can benefit...

Security Certifications information

Security Certifications

We have enlisted all Security certifications and companies /organizations offering the security certification to secure your self from cyber crime and computer crimes. EC-Council certifications are designed to provide the foundation needed by every IT Security Professional. EC-Council curriculum provides broad range of skills and knowledge needed to build and manage an organization's networking and security operations and to effectively utilize various resources to...

Cyber Crime Statistics 2012

cyber crime stats

Cyber Crime Statistics details as per 2012 stats find below : 25% cyber crime remain unresolved 75 Million Scam Emails are sent every day claiming 2,00 victims  73% of Americans have experienced some form of cyber crime and (65% globally) do the same. 10.5% of the world's Hackers from the UK 66% of the world's hackers are American 7.5%...